Even if you do everything right, it’s possible you might not get enough pledges to reach your minimum goal. You can fund the remaining gap by pledging to your own campaign, but if you decide not to fund the shortfall, that’s ok. Your pledgers will receive an email notifying them that the campaign didn’t succeed and that their pledges will simply be cancelled. (You’ll receive the funds from any pledgers who opted in to the digital purchase regardless of the outcome.) The campaign will be removed from your Bandcamp page — no harm done.
Hallo! Derzeit gehen bei uns besonders viele E-Mails ein, und unsere Bearbeitungszeiten sind langsamer als sonst. Wir haben in der Zwischenzeit eine Liste mit häufigen Fragen zusammengestellt, die dir weiterhelfen können. Danke für deine Geduld.
Beiträge in diesem Abschnitt
- Test
- How should I promote my vinyl campaign?
- Can I contribute to my own campaign?
- What do I need to know about print-ready art?
- What are the requirements for submitting audio assets?
- What should I communicate to pledgers after the campaign is over?
- What happens if my campaign doesn’t reach its goal?