The usual: png, jpg, gif, pdf, doc, docx, txt, ppt, pptx, mp4, m4v, m4r, mov, wmv, avi, mpg, mpeg, swf, flv, torrent, cue, afm, amxd, maxpat, otf, sib, ptb, mid, midi, gp5, gpx, fxp, fxb, vst, mod, it, xm, mtm, nsf, ttf, sav, epub, mobi, vst3, and alp. Most music file types are deliberately not included. If you want to include a track as a bonus item in an album download, upload it like any other track, but check “bonus track.”
Hallo! Derzeit gehen bei uns besonders viele E-Mails ein, und unsere Bearbeitungszeiten sind langsamer als sonst. Wir haben in der Zwischenzeit eine Liste mit häufigen Fragen zusammengestellt, die dir weiterhelfen können. Danke für deine Geduld.
Beiträge in diesem Abschnitt
- How do I edit or delete a track?
- How do I change the URL of my artist account, a track or album?
- How do I change the price of my album?
- How do I change the order of an album’s tracks?
- How do I change the featured track on my album?
- How do I move a track or album from one account to another?
- How do I move loose tracks into an album?
- How do I move a track from one album to another?
- I accidentally released my album! Can I unpublish it?
- Can I disable downloading of my music?