You are likely are seeing a pending transaction created when we attempted to charge your card, but were unable to complete the transaction. Those funds will not be withdrawn from your account. Most pending charges will clear up within 5-10 business days, though it may take up to 30 days depending on your card issuer. If you still haven’t seen this charge disappear within a reasonable amount of time, you may want to check with your bank or credit card provider for more information.
Hey there! We’re experiencing a high volume of emails at this time and our response times are slower than usual. In the meantime, we’ve put together a list of common questions to help. We appreciate your patience.
Articles in this section
- Payment Troubleshooting
- Paying with PayPal
- Paying with a credit or bank/debit card
- Sending gifts
- Gift cards
- How do I modify or remove my stored credit card details?
- How are credit card payments kept secure?
- Where do I enter my discount code?
- How do I contact an artist or label?
- Can I see prices converted to my local currency? How do I see the cost of shipping to my location?