Publishing royalties
- Publishing Royalty Collection On Bandcamp
- Where can I view publishing royalties collected on Bandcamp?
- Can you help me understand more about general songwriter rights and royalties?
- What sales are affected by collection society accruals?
- I’m not affiliated with any societies. Will you be pulling money from my sales?
- How do I list my collection society affiliation on Bandcamp?
- Why does the collection society amount vary for different sales?
- What happens if I am a member of PRS and MCPS but I sell a track in another jurisdiction such as Australia? How will I receive my royalties?
- How can I notify Bandcamp of any changes needed to the publishing designation on my track or album?
- How does each collection society calculate royalties for their members?
- Will you collect royalties on Bandcamp Fridays?
- Do PRO/CMO/Collection Society accrual fees apply to physical sales?