The usual: png, jpg, gif, pdf, doc, docx, txt, ppt, pptx, mp4, m4v, m4r, mov, wmv, avi, mpg, mpeg, swf, flv, torrent, cue, afm, amxd, maxpat, otf, sib, ptb, mid, midi, gp5, gpx, fxp, fxb, vst, mod, it, xm, mtm, nsf, ttf, sav, epub, mobi, vst3, and alp. Most music file types are deliberately not included. If you want to include a track as a bonus item in an album download, upload it like any other track, but check “bonus track.”
¡Buenas!En este momento, estamos recibiendo una gran cantidad de correos electrónicos y nuestros tiempos de respuesta son más lentos que lo habitual. Mientras tanto, creamos una lista de preguntas frecuentes de ayuda. Agradecemos tu paciencia.
Artículos en esta sección
- How do I edit or delete a track?
- How do I change the URL of my artist account, a track or album?
- How do I change the price of my album?
- How do I change the order of an album’s tracks?
- How do I change the featured track on my album?
- How do I move a track or album from one account to another?
- How do I move loose tracks into an album?
- How do I move a track from one album to another?
- I accidentally released my album! Can I unpublish it?
- Can I disable downloading of my music?