At the moment, there isn't a way to exclude certain countries entirely from purchasing merch. For now, if you receive orders from any territories where you’re unable to ship merch, you should refund the fan for their purchase. We would also recommend that you note in your item’s description any areas where you are unable to ship.
こんにちは!現在、Bandcamp は非常に多くのお問い合わせメールを頂いております。回答までお時間をいただく場合がございます。よくある質問をまとめましたので、お問い合わせの前にご一読ください。何卒ご理解のほどよろしくお願いいたします。
- Can I use Shipstation for my merch orders?
- How do I fulfill merch orders on Bandcamp?
- If a fan buys two or more physical items, how are the shipping costs calculated?
- Can I ship from multiple locations?
- Can I restrict which countries I ship merch to?
- Can you store and ship my merch?
- I run a fulfillment service. How can I connect with my clients on Bandcamp?
- Integrating with ShipStation
- HS codes for international shipping