In short, no. Track/album codes are unique (to allow you to track which and how many codes have been redeemed), and only work for a limited number of download attempts. We may offer a multi-use code down the road, but there isn’t an ETA yet. That said, you can make a discount code instead!
こんにちは!現在、Bandcamp は非常に多くのお問い合わせメールを頂いております。回答までお時間をいただく場合がございます。よくある質問をまとめましたので、お問い合わせの前にご一読ください。何卒ご理解のほどよろしくお願いいたします。
- Track/album code tutorial
- Do track/album codes expire?
- Can I make changes to my track or album after I’ve generated codes for it?
- Do codes work with private albums?
- Do codes work with album drafts?
- Couldn’t someone just share a code with as many people as they like? How do I stop renegade downloaders?
- Can I make a single code that can be used by multiple people?
- How do I send out codes via email? Do I have to copy/paste each code individually?
- Emailing track/album codes with MailChimp
- Emailing track/album codes with Constant Contact