Private streaming (part of Bandcamp Pro) allows you to invite select people to listen to your private or draft tracks and albums on Bandcamp by sending them a link through the platform of your choice.
For example, say you’re releasing an album next week, and want to invite a few music bloggers to have an early listen. Since it’s not out yet, you’ve got the album set to private. Just below the album name, you’ll see a link, “invite listeners”:
Clicking that link takes you to the private streaming section of your Tools page. You can also just navigate straight to your Tools page and select any eligible releases from the drop down in this section.
Once you select the track or album you want to invite people to listen to, name the link for future reference (You wouldn’t want to confuse the number of visits from your best friends and the next big thing in music journalism)
In the private streaming section of your Tools page, you’ll see that there’s now a table showing you each link you’ve sent out, when it was sent, total number of visits and unique visits. There are also controls that allow you to revoke the link, blocking any future access:
Once the recipient clicks the link in their invite, they’re taken to a private page where they can stream the album or track in question.
Our private streaming links do not have any visit or playback limits. That being said, we know things are kept private for a reason so we will send you the following email whenever you get more than 100 unique visits in a 48 hour period. (Now if you wanted to go viral on the shoegaze subreddit, you can ignore us!)
Before June 2024, our private streaming was managed through e-mail invites that were sent by Bandcamp. If you have created these in the past, you can still view the stats and cancel these invites through the /Tools page.
Once an album becomes public, any links associated with it will be removed from the private streaming table. Private links for now public tracks and albums will redirect to the public facing page.