While Bandcamp does not offer shipping, distribution, or drop shipping services for your merch directly, we make it easy for you to manage everything yourself. When someone orders a CD, t-shirt, or other merch item from your Bandcamp site, we’ll send you an email with all the shipping details. In that email you’ll find a link to your Merch Orders page, a simple table where you’ll see all your merch orders at a glance. Here you can mark orders as shipped, generate shipping labels and packing slips, provide tracking information, and search and filter your orders. You’ll also find a link to this page in the Sales section of your Tools page and from the “orders” link in the navigation bar. If you’re unsure of where to begin, you can turn to our merch orders best practices for guidance.
Shipping Partners:
If you want to work with a fulfillment partner, you can grant them access to manage your merch orders for one or more of your shipping origins. Just click the link at the top of the page to send them an email invite. They can then download your orders and view and edit the merch orders page (but not the rest of your site).
If you’re planning to sell more than 200 units of merch and want to avoid packing and mailing them yourself, we can introduce you to our preferred fulfillment houses. To inquire, please send us an email.