Download links can be found in your receipt email. If you can’t find your receipt, here's what to do:
- First, check your spam folder.
- Next, double-check that you’re looking in the right email inbox. Is it possible you purchased the item with an alternate email or under a different name? Just in case, try checking any alternate email inboxes.
- Some email providers automatically filter messages from unknown senders. Try adding “” to your list of safe senders or contacts.
How to resend your receipt
Still not finding your receipt? You can always resend receipts from your Fan account. To do so, first log into your account and select “purchases” from the drop-down menu. From there, you’ll see the option to resent the receipt for each order you’ve made. You can choose any email address that is associated with your account.
If you are missing items in your fan collection or an email address doesn't show up on the list in the receipt resending tool that means you likely haven't linked the email address to your Fan account yet.
To remedy that, you'll need to log into your Fan account, go to your Settings page, click on the Fan tab, and you should see the header "Payment email addresses" with a link to "add another."
You can read more here.
If you purchased an item and the email went to an address you cannot access, let us know. Please include the email you might have used and what item you purchased, and we’ll resend your receipt.
How can I download my purchase?
If you‘re simply trying to download your purchase, here are a few places you can do so:
- The download page to which you’re directed after finishing the checkout process.
- The links we email to you at the time of sale.
- Your fan account collection page via web browsers on desktop or Android devices. If you’re using an iOS device like an iPhone or iPad, keep this in mind.
- Your fan account purchases page via web browsers on desktop.
If you’re not seeing your purchase in your fan account collection, check this out.