Subscribers can cancel at any time by visiting their Settings page on the Bandcamp site or app. Once they cancel, their subscription will continue up through the month or year for which they’ve paid. We don’t issue partial refunds for unused time in a subscription period, but they will not be charged the following period. Items added to their collection while they were subscribed are not removed when they cancel. Yes, this means that you may occasionally have an Evil Fan who subscribes and immediately cancels, and for one period’s subscription fee gets quite a bit of content. However, most people who choose to subscribe to an artist do so to support them and get their past and future content, not rip them off. The alternative, such as a scheme where content only “sticks” after a fan has been subscribed for some amount of time, and otherwise disappears when a subscription ends, is not something we are considering.
Hey there! We’re experiencing a high volume of emails at this time and our response times are slower than usual. In the meantime, we’ve put together a list of common questions to help. We appreciate your patience.
Articles in this section
- Setting up your artist subscription
- What’s an artist subscription? Why should I make one? What can they do? Can I see some examples?
- Should I choose monthly, or annual billing?
- When are subscribers charged, and when do I get paid?
- How much are transaction fees for artist subscriptions?
- What happens to existing subscribers if I change the price or term of my subscription?
- What video file types do you accept?
- What is the maximum video upload size?
- How does a subscriber cancel, and what happens when they do?